Ebook Katherine Mansfield and the Bloomsbury Group

Ebook Katherine Mansfield and the Bloomsbury Group

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Katherine Mansfield and the Bloomsbury Group

Katherine Mansfield and the Bloomsbury Group

Katherine Mansfield and the Bloomsbury Group

Ebook Katherine Mansfield and the Bloomsbury Group

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Katherine Mansfield and the Bloomsbury Group


“For the most part, Mansfield's literary reputation has revolved around two things: her mastery of the modernist short story and her contentious relationship with Virginia Woolf (Woolf frequently-and unfortunately-tends to subsume Mansfield). As these essays point out, there is much more to say. The collection opens with an examination of the emotional and professional complexities of Mansfield and Woolf's relationship viewed via disparate notions of hospitality. This engaging essay serves as the springboard for an exploration of Mansfield and Bloomsbury: to be specific, part 1 looks at Mansfield and the peripheral figures of Bloomsbury (Aldous Huxley, T. S. Eliot, Walter de la Mare, Millar Dunning, and W. L. George), and part 2 looks at Mansfield as peripheral to Bloomsbury. Gems include essays on Mansfield's (and Woolf's) literary criticism that showcase the symbiosis between criticism and creativity. Including essays by both renowned Mansfield scholars and new voices in this field, this collection reiterates Bloomsbury's influence on the artistic growth and mentoring capabilities of one of the most important modernist writers of the 20th century. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Lower-division undergraduates through faculty; general readers.” ―CHOICE“Provide[s] rich new pickings for Mansfield scholars and Bloomsbury devotees alike.” ―Times Literary Supplement“An extremely helpful collection of articles on the mutual influence and interaction of Mansfield with the emerging artists from this turbulent period.” ―The Heythrop Journal“This wide-ranging collection of essays makes fresh forays into the interstices of well-travelled literary territory, escorting readers to familiar topoi like Bloomsbury and Garsington Manor to discover new insights through intimate portrayals of their inhabitants and visitors. Katherine Mansfield is both object of study and muse in this endeavor, providing satirical perspectives on the social groups and gatherings which so often made her feel like an outsider, and inspiring the imaginatively sympathetic prose of an outstanding group of scholars devoted to celebrating her work.” ―Rishona Zimring, Professor of English, Lewis & Clark College“An inspiring and very engaging collection of essays from many of today's most outstanding Mansfield specialists alongside some of the most promising younger scholars in the field of Modernist studies...This volume offers the most convincing assessment to date of Katherine Mansfield's vibrant involvement in numerous Bloomsbury partnerships and literary collaborations. It will be figuring on all recommended reading lists for students of modernism and Bloomsbury London.” ―Professor Claire Davison-Pegon, Professor of Modernist Literature, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle“This intriguing collection of essays explores the subtle networks of affiliation between Katherine Mansfield and other figures on the fringes of the Bloomsbury group. The essays shed new light on the way in which those on the margin defined themselves against the values of the 'Bloomsberries' and also illuminate Mansfield's ambivalent status within the literary marketplace. Through their fine-grained analyses of relations between Mansfield and figures such as Aldous Huxley and Walter de la Mare, the essays significantly extend our understanding of the historical and cultural valences of Mansfield's fiction.” ―Clare Hanson, Professor of Twentieth Century Literature, University of Southampton, UK“Katherine Mansfield and the Bloomsbury Group understands one of the most vital British twentieth-century fiction writers as a working, responsive artist embedded within the matrices of many different kinds of modernisms. This collection importantly situates her in terms not only of Bloomsbury, but also of Garsington, of the fauvists and Post-Impressionists, and of the experimental and established journals of the London publishing scene. This is a weighty collection of intelligent and fluent essays that helps deepen and flesh out our understanding of Katherine Mansfield among her multiple artistic milieux. What emerges is the portrait of a writer substantively engaged in many ways in the radical breakthroughs of an excitingly transformative literary culture.” ―Jay Dickson, Professor of English and Humanities, Reed College, USA

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About the Author

Todd Martin is Professor of English at Huntington University, USA. He is Membership Secretary for the Katherine Mansfield Society and co-editor of Katherine Mansfield and World War One (2014), Katherine Mansfield and Translation (2015), and Katherine Mansfield and Psychology (2016).

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Product details

Paperback: 264 pages

Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic (December 27, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1350094617

ISBN-13: 978-1350094611

Product Dimensions:

6.1 x 0.6 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 13.3 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#3,651,480 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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