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Product details

File Size: 12534 KB

Print Length: 206 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Maker Media, Inc; 1 edition (November 3, 2015)

Publication Date: November 3, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B017L334EW



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,071,855 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This book gave me some good information and ideas for the work I intend to do, but doesn't contain the in-depth reference I require. I think it's well-written and a great start for new makers.

The book just relies on the Yocto distro doing all the heavy lifting for you and using Python, OpenCV and Arduino to handle all APIs. This It was my bad really - I shouldn't have expected anything meaningful to engineers from Make. The book is probably fine if they retitled it to 'Getting Started with using Linux on Edison'.Don't buy if you have worked with any kind of dev using Linux.Don't buy if you want to understand the Edison architecture in any depth.Don't buy if you want to write your own kernel for the Edison.Buy if you want to use a devkit that sounds like it could be really powerful, but you don't care/need/understand that power.So yeah. Tutorials that should be free written up as a book and sold to you for money. Returning this.

good insight to learn about the Intel Edison...

great product

Teaching me from the basic step by step ! when i'm a stupid become kingdergarden kids. for me! She is a beauty! An excellent beginner book!

You can get better free material off the internet. Do buy this book.

If you are new to the Intel Edison compute module, the Arduino Breakout Board, the Linux operating system and its command line, and programming in the 2.7.3 version of Python, this book can help you get started creating an interesting and useful array of projects.The author, an Intel research scientist, shows how to build, program and use device combinations that can connect to sensors, WiFi, the Internet and Bluetooth. Her book is written well and has a good number of how-to illustrations. "This book is not," she concedes, "by any means, a comprehensive overview of every aspect of Intel Edison. The Wifi and Bluetooth alone would probably fill the book...." Nonetheless, the book lives up to the tagline on its cover: "Sensors, Actuators, Bluetooth, and WiFi on the Tiny Atom-Powered Linux Module." It can guide you in good, logical fashion to begin and complete several projects, and it can direct you to additional materials that may prove helpful.(My thanks to O'Reilly Media for providing a review copy.)

You will find that this book does not offer anything else comparing to the content you will find in the Internet. I have an excellent book about Intel Galileo published by Apress which is far superior than this one. I think Intel must pay more attention in publications like this and make sure there is some value on it. Very bad book and do not waste your money. Intel wakeup!!!




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