Free Download , by C.M. Carney

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, by C.M. Carney

, by C.M. Carney

, by C.M. Carney

Free Download , by C.M. Carney

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, by C.M. Carney

Product details

File Size: 1869 KB

Print Length: 533 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Book Room Press (February 28, 2018)

Publication Date: February 28, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#14,996 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I liked the characters, although for a tough-as-nails ex-black ops guy, our main protagonist is disturbingly naïve. The reason why he has a conflict with his banner was never really explained, nor what make the banner so odd (since we don't have the behaviour of other banners to compare with). Brynns introduction would have been a great place for that.The protagonist getting uber rare item X (with definitive drawbacks) is also a somewhat common trope in the LitRPG genre, as is the very brief time our hero is limited to a few magical elements (or spheres). Kudos to introducing the affinity system!Now, it's not all doom and gloom - the system, while somewhat simplistic (perhaps for the ease of us readers) is nicely done, with a hint of depth to it, and the protagonist is using the abilities to good effect. The somewhat abrupt introduction of the protagonist into the game world does prevent him from preparing, so there's an explanation why he doesn't have loads of things with him.Why the special item that is used to obviously great effect is used at that particular time could have been explained better, other than "protagonist is a n00b gamer" since that should really cancel out "awesome black ops guy that ought to be more careful than a hobbit in a dragons hoard."Loads of good action, main protagonist not being the ultra-chick magnet of doom (the gnome gets the girl, natch!) and just a few instances where the actions of the characters seem to be made for the story rather than for themselves makes this a 4/5. Will get the next book when it comes out.

I really enjoyed this book and wanted to give it five stars but for a couple of issues. I'll get to those.First let me say that while I don't have a lot of experience with the emergent GameLit/LitRPG subgenre, I've enjoyed pretty much everything I've read and this is one of the best. I am now an avid dedicated fan and can't wait to read the rest of the series.In reply to a lot of "this isn't explained" and "he should have explained this here," it's a series guys. There's this thing called pacing, and Mr. Carney does it pretty well. I thought the book moved along quite well while at the same time being enough of a slow burn to build some suspense for the rest of the series.The characters are fantastic. They all feel alive and most of the time inform the plot rather than the other way around. The dialog is witty and fantastic without trying to be overly clever or "realistic." He's got a real ear for natural dialog.Now, my issues. First, this book really needed another copy edit before publication. Lots of errors in the text. Not enough to take away from the story, but enough to notice. Second, all the tables.I'm a gamer, but I read these things because I enjoy the type of story this sub-genre specializes in. I don't particularly care about the crunchy numbers or mechanics or whatever. If I want that, I'll play a game myself. I personally dislike throwing in whole tables, especially on Kindle. That said, I don't mind calling up a character sheet or skill table or whatever when it serves the story, and the game designer in me enjoys a good creative game design, which this is. But every time there is a change, however small, the full sheet or table pops back up. This is done enough that it does impact the flow of an otherwise very nicely told story. There are more creative ways to inform the readers of stat changes, and Mr. Carney does them, and then throws up the whole table. I found myself skipping lots of pages.But on the whole, this is an excellent first book and made me suspend my disbelief enough to go with it (a real world driven by game mechanics?) and wait for the remaining books to elaborate and make sense of this (which the novella Killing Time starts to do). Really looking forward to the rest.

My main gripes are about the main character.Minor spoiler warning***** He's supposed to be a paranoid, highly trained soldier or something as well as not know anything about RPGs but that doesn't come across from his actions at all. He understands all the game jargon and interface without much of a tutorial and he does a really stupid, not cautious thing at the beginning of the game despite someone telling him not to and the presence of the main antagonist in the room.Despite the weakness in writing as it pertains to the main character, the other characters are somewhat interesting, as is the setting. It's more than readable.

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